Social Responsibility
Fair Labor Association
Horn Legend is affiliated with the Fair Labor Association (FLA), an organization that promotes human rights in the workplace. The FLA is an international network of companies, universities, and civil society organizations working together to ensure that millions of workers in factories and farms worldwide are paid fairly and protected from risks to their health, safety, and well-being.
As a member of FLA since 2008, Horn Legend constantly evolves and evaluates areas such as the commitment of our company’s leadership to fair labor standards and the implementation of systems designed to ensure that our factory and partner factories provide decent and humane working conditions.
We are proud to have established systems to protect the workers who manufacture our products, in alignment with the Fair Labor Association’s internationally recognized labor standards.
Code of Conduct
Legal Compliance
Horn Legend and suppliers will comply with any and all local, provincial, state or national regulations or laws, or voluntary industry standards, including those pertaining to the manufacture, pricing, sale, and distribution of products.
Employee Health & Safety
Horn Legend and suppliers will provide a safe and healthy workplace environment to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of Supplier’s operations. Conditions throughout a Supplier’s facility must be safe, clean, and meet or exceed requirements of all applicable laws and regulations regarding safety and health. Workers must be trained and equipped to perform their jobs safely. Worker dormitories provided by a Supplier, if applicable, must be clean and safe and provide adequate emergency egress, adequate heat and ventilation, reasonable personal individual space, and reasonable entry and exit privileges.
Child Labor
Horn Legend and suppliers will not employ individuals in violation of the local mandatory school age or under the applicable legal employment age. In no event will Suppliers employ workers under age 15.
Forced Labor
Horn Legend and suppliers will not use forced labor, including, but not limited to, prison labor, indentured or slave labor, or bonded labor, and will adopt measures to ensure that facilities are not utilized in human trafficking. Suppliers must refrain from all practices that deny workers the ability to move freely, including recruitment fees and document retention.
Freedom of Association
Horn Legend and suppliers will recognize and respect employees’ rights to free association and their right to organize and collectively bargain in a lawful and peaceful manner. Suppliers will work to establish constructive relationships with worker representative groups and bargain in good faith with such groups
Harassment and Abuse
Horn Legend and suppliers must treat all employees with respect and dignity. Suppliers will have procedures in place to ensure that no worker is subject to any physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal abuse, in general or as a disciplinary measure
Suppliers will not discriminate in employment including hiring, compensation, advancement, discipline, termination, or retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social group, union affiliation, or ethnic origin.
Working Hours
Suppliers will not require workers to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by applicable law. In no event will the regular workweek exceed 48 hours and workers will be allowed at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in every seven day period. All overtime work will be consensual. Suppliers will not request overtime on a regular basis and will compensate for overtime work at a premium rate. Other than in exceptional circumstances, the sum of regular and overtime hours in a week will not exceed 60 hours.
Every worker has a right to compensation for a regular work week that is sufficient to meet the worker’s basic needs and provide some discretionary income. Suppliers will pay at least the minimum wage or the industry and local labor market prevailing wage, whichever is higher, comply with all legal requirements on wages, and provide any fringe benefits required by law or contract.
Suppliers may not use deductions from wages or other monetary fines as a disciplinary practice.
Anti-corruption & Bribery
Suppliers must avoid paying or receiving bribes from government agents or business partners.
Fair Competition
Supplier must not engage in anti-competitive practices, to include price-fixing, market allocation, and/or cartel involvement.
Intellectual Property Protection
Suppliers must respect the ideas, designs, product development and offerings of all market actors and do not engage in exploiting
proprietary garment information of other companies nor production of “knock-off” products.
Information Security
Suppliers must comply with any and all local laws and regulations regarding the protection of confidential information. Any confidential information related to the business relationship must be protected by the supplier through effective information security practices.
Environmental Sustainability
Suppliers will adopt responsible measures to mitigate the negative impact that their operations have on the environment. At a minimum, this requires that Suppliers comply with all local and applicable international laws protecting the environment, including proper storage and disposal of hazardous substances, and strive to conduct business in a manner that minimizes energy consumption and waste, optimizes the use of natural resources, and maximizes recycling.
Suppliers will not utilize subcontractors in the manufacturing of the Corporation’s products or components without our prior written approval and only after the subcontractor has agreed to comply with this Code of Conduct.